- Allergology
- Anaesthesia and Resuscitation
- Angiology and Vascular Surgery
- Análisis Clínicos
- Arritmias Electrofisiología y Estimulación Cardiaca
- Cardiology
- Cirugía de la Mano
- Corrective and plastic surgery
- Dermatology
- Diagnostic Imaging
- Digestive System
- Emergencies
- Endocrinology
- General Surgery and Surgery of the Digestive System
- Geriatrics
- Gynaecology and Obstetrics
- Haematology and Haemotherapy
- Intensive Care Unit
- Internal Medicine
- Logopedia
- Medical emergencies
- Medicina estética
- Neurology
- Neurophysiology
- Neurosurgery
- Nutrition and Dietetics
- Ophthalmology
- Orthopaedic Traumatology and Surgery
- Otolaryngology
- Paediatric emergencies
- Paediatrics
- Pain Unit
- Pathological Anatomy
- Pediatric Surgery
- Pneumology
- Podología
- Psychology
- Rehabilitation
- Sports Medicine
- Thoracic Surgery
- Traffic unit
- Traumathologic emergencies
- Unidad de Cirugía Maxilofacial, Cirugía de Cara, Cabeza y Cuello.
- Unidad de Reconocimientos Médicos
- Urology